Sunday, April 22, 2007

We Need Your Help!

Northern Pines has two immediate needs that require your support to meet.

The first concerns the water system on site. In two of the past three winters the waterline to the director’s home has frozen forcing them to use other facilities at the camp for showers, laundry, cooking, and other water needs for several months during the winter. To eliminate this problem the camp has decided to drill another well in close proximity to the director’s house. This unplanned expense will cost approximately $4000 and needs to be completed before next winter.

This garden hose runs over 500 feet from the lodge to the director's house and is providing temporary water.

The other immediate need of the camp relates to the computers used by our full-time staff. The lack of adequate office equipment greatly reduces the productivity of the staff. We need to replace the computers in both the main office and the assistant director’s office. This will cost more than $3000 and is becoming more necessary every day.

Please consider making a donation to help Northern Pines meet both of these needs.

Monday, April 16, 2007

A Beautiful Weekend

It was a beautiful weekend at Northern Pines and we had two groups here enjoying it. A group of 80 people from the local hospital we here on Friday and Saturday listening to speakers and participating in workshops. We also had a local family staying in Cornerstone to celebrate a special occasion. These two groups represent just some of the variety of groups we host at Northern Pines. If you belong to a group that is looking for a place to hold a retreat or have a special family celebration coming up, please consider Northern Pines. We would love to speak with you about the various things we can provide, like special meals, to meet your needs. Contact the camp for more information.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Why Good Friday is Good

During this Good Friday and Easter weekend I hope you will reflect on what the crucifixion and resurrection mean for us lowly sinners. It is truly remarkable to think of the love God showed us by sending Jesus.

First, we are all sinners since we cannot meet God’s perfect standard.

Romans 3:23

for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

Secondly, the consequence for our imperfection is death.

Romans 6:23

For the wages of sin is death…

But that is not the end of the story

Romans 6:23

… but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Thirdly, Jesus Christ, the only person who ever met God’s standard, took our punishment.

Romans 5:6-8

You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Finally, God’s gift is available to everyone through acceptance of Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Romans 3:22

This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe.

Not many people would consider the death of their leader a good thing, but as Christians we know that Jesus' death was necessary and really just the beginning of our salvation.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Volunteer Opportunities

It takes a lot of work to keep Northern Pines running smoothly, and as a result we are always looking for people who are willing to give their time and talents.

During the Spring there is a lot of physical work that needs to be done to prepare for the summer season. This includes indoor and outdoor cleaning (painting, raking, etc), completion of winter projects (like our new challenge course), and various other tasks that will enhance the camping experience at Northern Pines.

If you enjoy working with people, volunteering as a counselor for a week is an incredible way to use your gifts to help a camper with their faith walk. Remember, campers aren't just kids anymore!

If you happen to be a registered nurse, volunteering for a week at camp is a great opportunity to serve Christ by ensuring our campers have quality health care while at Northern Pines.

Regardless of what your skills are, we can use your help at camp. Chances your experience at Northern Pines will benefit you as much as it benefits the camp. Contact the camp office if you, or a group you belong to, would like to volunteer at Northern Pines. God Bless.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Welcome to "Spring" in Minnesota

A week ago the sun was shining and it was 70 degrees outside. Today we are getting 6 inches of snow.

It may be hard for some of you to think of summer on days like this, but now is the perfect time to register for camp. At Northern Pines we have 30 camp offerings for kids in 1st through 12th grade as well as camps for adults and families. Visit this website to search for camp offerings and to register for camp.

If you have any questions about camp please contact Northern Pines at or on the phone at 218-732-4713.

Remember, if you register and pay in full by May 15th you receive the $10 early bird discount!

Monday, April 2, 2007

Looking for Staff

We want YOU!

Working at camp for a summer is an unforgettable experience full of fun, faith, and friends. Spending a summer at camp is an excellent opportunity for personal growth through serving Christ.

We currently have the following positions available at Northern Pines: treehouse counselors (2 male, 1 female), Christian friendship counselor (1 female), and kitchen staff. The other United Methodist camps in Minnesota are also looking for staff. Click here for job descriptions of the positions available at each site.

If you, or someone your know, would like to be considered for a position please fill out a job application and send it to the camping office in Minneapolis (address on form).

If you have any questions please email Northern Pines at or by phone at 218-732-4713.